What Are Your Flaws?

As a business owner, your natural inclination is likely to be considering the strengths of your business and how to perform even better in the future. However, the truth is that sitting back and thinking about your flaws can actually benefit you in the long run. When you have a full understanding of where you are lacking, it will empower you to make the best strategic decisions for the future. These changes, in turn, will help you receive top dollar when you go to sell your business. 

Here are 4 areas you should be evaluating:

1. Your Products

How diverse are your products? If you rely upon the sale of just one product, that puts your business in jeopardy. You should be thinking about additional products you could add. This will also open you up to new opportunities for customers and revenue.  

2. Your Workforce

There has been much publicity about the current trends in businesses struggling to find staff. Further, there are a variety of trades, such as tool and die, where there is a shortage of skilled workers to begin with.  However, your staff members are the core of your business, and represent its wellness and ability to thrive in the future.  

3. Your Industry

You should always be on the lookout for trends that could negatively impact your business. Sometimes things are simply out of your control, and you might find that your entire industry is in decline. When this occurs, be sure to think about new directions you can take. If you sit back and just wait for things to change, the value of your business could slip away before your eyes. 

4. Your Customers

If you only have one or two core customers, that will typically lower the value of your business. Any potential buyer will quickly realize that the health and stability of your business is somewhat fragile.  While you may feel that you don’t currently have the time and resources to obtain new customers and clients, doing so will serve you tremendously when it’s time to sell.

When you work with a business broker or M&A advisor, he or she will help you to evaluate your company and look for weaknesses. However, oftentimes it’s challenging or even impossible to turn the tides when you are under the gun to sell right away. That’s why so many business owners decide to work with a brokerage professional years before they actually plan to sell. This enables them to correct any weaknesses years in advance and be fully prepared to present their business in the best light possible. 

Copyright: Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
