Integrated Workflows

Integrated workflows can be found throughout our platform.
They are what makes it all come together. We take the manual tasks of deal making and automate them, saving you time and energy.

Buyer Automations

It takes a lot of buyers to get to a closing, and the process of working with each buyer is extensive, correct? This is not the case with Deal Studio. We automate the entire process… from capturing leads from the business for sale websites to signing online NDAs, and, of course, all the steps that follow.
Features Include:

Seller Prospect Automations

Not only does Deal Studio add buyer and seller leads, but deals are added in relationship to your contacts. Through this means, the sales cycle can begin and move along your designated workflow.
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Deal Automation

Make an outstanding first impression while educating your site visitors. All websites created by Deal Studio come complete with rich and engaging web content created by writers with years of industry experience.
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Process Automation

Where marketing automation is built around marketing emails and drip campaigns, process automation is built around assigning tasks, sharing files and folders of documents, sending personal emails and notifications, and assigning notes and tags triggered by the deal stage advancement.
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Marketing Automation

Marketing Automation puts the prospect or lead into a nurture campaign that includes emails, text messages, email notifications, tasks and more. It is possible for you to fully control to customize the marketing automation sequence.
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NDA Signing

Our most popular feature is the ability for clients to access online NDAs. We offer easy automation of everything from the initial lead capture to online signing and system capture of the data, the final file, and the appropriate tagging of the contact.
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Email Newsletters

We streamline your branding by making sure emails are sent using a professionally designed template. This ensures professional and consistent messaging. Choose your preferred method of distribution from options including scheduling emails, manual sending, or turning the reigns over to Deal Studio.
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Social Media

Through Deal Studio it is possible to syndicate your blog posts and listings via social media as soon as they are ready to go out. We take advantage of top professional social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.
Features Include:

Document Sharing Automation

Our technology empowers you to automate the distribution of your confidential listing files and/or folders as you advance deal stages in a pipeline. Or set them to be sent manually if you prefer. It is also possible to automate the distribution of confidential files from the seller directly to your deal room via your website.
Features Include:

What Clients Say About Us

Our clients are getting excellent results. To us, that’s the best proof that our approach is highly effective.
Take a look at some of these recent client recommendations.