Prospecting Newsletters

These high quality engaging newsletters will grab attention!
Professional newsletters stand out as a way for you to make a bold statement in a new and exciting way…a way that will get noticed. With “Today’s Business Scene” you will be ready to distribute industry-specific and personalized newsletters that appear as though they were professionally (and painstakingly) created from your own office.
The polished and professional look of your branded newsletter, combined with the valuable articles contained in each informative issue, serve to make your newsletter stand out- even in the thick stack of mail so often received by your prospects!
You simply supply us with your logo and basic contact information to be featured on the newsletter, and we do the rest. We generate all of the articles, set up the file, and customize it with your logo and contact information. Each quarter you will receive a branded, high resolution PDF suitable for print that you can take to the printer of your choice.
Quarterly release schedule: January, April, July, October

Annual Price: $500 (includes four quarterly editions)

We have been using your newsletter for more than five years and have found them to be one of the best (if not the best) educational tools we have at our disposal. We have had many business owners that have actually thanked us for including them in our mailings.

Sample Newsletter

Each issue focuses on topics important to business owners and important to the value and future sale of the business. These newsletters are designed to be used as self-mailers. They can also be folded with the masthead facing out for insertion into envelopes, or unfolded to use as handouts or for use in buyer or seller packets.


The valuable information contained in BBP’s Prospecting Newsletter opens the door to an unlimited number of uses. Below we have listed just a few ideas.

Get Started

Complete the form below to sign up for your first four quarterly editions.
Business Address to display on newsletter(Required)
Max. file size: 100 MB.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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Our clients are getting excellent results. To us, that’s the best proof that our approach is highly effective.
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